Concerts 2021

June 19th, 2021

Concert “Nihon no Kaori”

This was our first concert for the 2021 year, done at the Farmington Farmers Market! Thank you, Mr. Kevin and Mr. Walts for this great opportunity to perform in front of such a huge crowd! This concert, “Nihon no Kaori,” roughly translates to “The Scent of Japan,” and as the name suggests, this concert’s theme revolved around the Japanese taste.

This is the list of songs we performed at this concert:

-Always with me from Studio Ghibli

-Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms

-Boat song by Offenbach Barcarolle

-One Moment in Time by Whitney Houston

-Sakura, a traditional Japanese folk song

-Obladi Oblada by The Beatles

-Yagibushi, a traditional Japanese folk song

We also would like to thank The Great Lakes Taiko Center for lending us the Taikos (Traditional Japanese drums) that we used in Yagibushi! 

Dive to June 19th Concert!


